Any who has played Minecraft will admit that there is a wierd addictive quality to it. Mining blocks and then re-positioning them to create fantastic buildings is effectively lego. You have the added ability to attack things and adventure around which is of course great fun.
How about a first person shooter version of Minecraft? If you like the sound of this then you are looking for Guncraft. Guncraft is currently in open beta so if you want to try it out then head on over to:
For those of you who love pictures then check these out below.
So Guncraft looks like it might take us some of our gaming time and keep us entertained at the same time, I call that a win win.
The levels in Guncraft look very fun, especially some of the building areas. One thing that I always liked with full scale first person shooters was venturing into a building, clearing it out from the enemy and then head back home, hopefully these sorts of missions will be included in Guncraft. To find out I suggest signing up to the beta.
Have fun gaming and remember to check out some more gaming news over on our pc gaming forum.