Gaming guides, videos and adventures.


Diablo 3 Paragon System

Blizzard has announced Patch 1.0.4. One great bit of news about Patch 1.0.4 has been posted up on recently, which introduces the Paragon levelling system. Effectively the Paragon system rewards people who continue to play a lot at max level, rather than people who play every so often and might get a lucky reward. The grind is the whole point of Diablo 3, if you don't like it then...

Diablo 3 Paragon System
Diablo 3 Published by on

Mists Of Pandaria Launch Event 22:30 September 24th 2012!

Look out guys Mists of Pandaria is nearly upon us! Launch events will be springing up all over the world on the evening of September 24th and some of us will be lucky enough to make it to one and join in the fun! If like me though you are one of the unfortunate souls who actually has to work for a living (how dare work come in between me and my favourite MMO) then Blizzard have been kind...

Mists Of Pandaria Launch Event 22:30 September 24th 2012!
World of Warcraft Published by on

Starcraft 2 T Shirts From Jinx Hey guys, just a quick video to show you some of the great t shirts Jinx have......

Starcraft 2 T Shirts From Jinx
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T Shirts

Awesome Starcraft 2 T Shirts

Display your pride for the race you love in Starcraft 2, either the Protoss, Zerg or Terran with the race logos and designs. You might prefer specific characters like Jim Raynor or a Zergling, they are all available from Jinx, so click the images below to check them out. If your an avid Starcraft 2 gamer then you are going to love these t shirts. I personally have the Starcraft 2 t shirt with...

Awesome Starcraft 2 T Shirts
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Guild Wars 2 Beginners Gameplay Guide

What Is Guild Wars 2? In Guild Wars 2 you create and level a hero. This hero can explore the whole world of Tyria along with other players in the game. Guild Wars 2 is a massively multiplayer online role playing game. You will need to purchase the game, but there is no monthly fees. There is some premium content but you do not require this to play the game, it is mainly cosmetic upgrades. The...

Guild Wars 2 Published by on

World Of Warcraft 5.0 Patch Notes Posted

With Mists of Pandaria on the horizon a lot of gamers and fans are looking out for a potential release date. This is the specific bit of information people really want to get their hands on. Some good news for those fans and gamers today then. The patch notes for 5.0.4 are now available online in a recent Blizzard post. This notes a good milestone for an imminent release date announcement. We...

World Of Warcraft 5.0 Patch Notes Posted
World of Warcraft Published by on

Steam Introduce Big Picture Mode

Steam has always been progressive in their platform and on the look out for other areas to move into. With the introduction of The Big Picture you will be able to play your Steam games on your TV whilst using your controller. All you will need to do is hook a laptop or computer up to your TV to be able to play your favourite Steam games. "Heading to the living room—or anywhere there’s a...

Steam Introduce Big Picture Mode
PC Gaming Published by on

Diablo 3 Starter Edition Now Available

Blizzard have announced that Diablo 3 can now be played using their starter edition. Starter editions have become more and more popular for large game companies, they get gamers involved without having to pay any money and then prove how great their games are. If all games were free to play it would require developers to make their games amazing to bring in gamers and then charge for extras on a...

Diablo 3 Starter Edition Now Available
Diablo 3 Published by on

Starcraft 2 Heart Of The Swarm Beta Incoming

Those of you who love Starcraft 2 like me will be very excited to hear that the beta is on its way to us "Soon". Hopefully we will get a good feel for all of the new units and how the game will play with all the changes. If you would like to join in then do the usual and update your settings inside For the full article then head on over to:

Starcraft 2 Heart Of The Swarm Beta Incoming
Starcraft 2 Published by on
News Hacked – Blizzard Releases A Statement

Bad news for any gamers that play Blizzard games, it turns out that has been hacked and that some data has been compromised. Luckily Blizzard issued as statement as quickly as possible and was extremely honest in what data had been compromised. For the full article on the issue then check out: or for a summary of what was taken and what... Hacked – Blizzard Releases A Statement
PC Gaming Published by on

Arena Net Posts Up Gaming Convention Schedule

ArenaNet has posted up their convention schedule on facebook, listing details of where they will be this year. For the full post then head on over to the guild wars 2 facebook post: For a quick summary then check out the dates and places below. Gamescom, Aug 15-19 Members of the...

Arena Net Posts Up Gaming Convention Schedule
Guild Wars 2 Published by on

Salyis’s Warband Preview – Mists Of Pandaria

For any one else who is excited about the prospect of roaming world bosses (like the good old days) then this little bit of info is just for you. The Mists of Pandaria website has been updated to reveal a little bit more about what is in store for us. One specific piece of info is the reveal of a World Boss called Salyis's Warband. This world boss has some great mechanics and looks like it...

Salyis’s Warband Preview – Mists Of Pandaria
World of Warcraft Published by on