Gaming Videos


Minecraft How To Build A House

Welcome to another video guide by me Lynqoid! Today's video will show you how to obtain the materials required to build a basic house and survive the first night of Minecraft. The key to making a first starter house is to collect wood and fast! So let's get started.   When I get started in...

Minecraft How To Build A House
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Minecraft How To Build A Modern House

The key to building a Modern House in Minecraft is using the correct materials and sourcing good reference images. I used one of the first three images in google as a reference and you will likely be able to tell which one when comparing it to my build. What Materials To Use For A Modern Minecraft...

Minecraft How To Build A Modern House
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Minecraft How To Build A Drawbridge

Build things in Minecraft that are functional is incredibly satisfying. I love being things that look and have a hidden function to them. Sometimes it's difficult to hide the Redstone on complicated functionality, but in this build, it's super easy. The Basic Idea Of A Drawbridge A classic drawbridge...

Minecraft How To Build A Drawbridge
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