League Of Legends Team

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  • This topic has 4 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 12 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #1382

    Hey guys, this is the thread for a potential league of legends team we would like to get started and for people to register their interest. Please leave a message with the following information.

    League of Legends Name: Lynq
    Main Champions: Gragas, Diana, Tristana and Graves
    Time: Greenwich Meantime

    Bit About Yourself: I am Lynq, creator of the TeamOverpowered.com website. I love gaming a lot and especially league of legends and world of warcraft. I am also looking forward to Guildwars2.


    IGN: AtherAngelus

    Main Champions: Mid: Gragas, Anivia, Mordekaiser, …Top: Darius, GP, Kayle, Yorick, …

    Time: ECT


    About me: I’m Ather, former dota pro league player and leader, the dota2 scene is kinda boring me and since I have been playing LoL since beta just for fun I am now deciding to put my efforts there.

    Hope I can pull my best efforts in and you will see I learn termendously fast 😉


    Hi guys,

    let me introduce myself – my IGN is Terramancer (EUW), 22 years old student currently looking for team/bunch of nice people that I could play with.

    So, you might be asking yourself how I´ve found this website – well, I met Lynq like three weeks ago in game and he seemed as a cool guy. So I said to myself that I´ll give it a try. 😉


    Lets get to details:

    timezone: CET/CEST

    roles: I´m most confident as a support or solotop (mostly Irelia), but if I would be able to find consistent team here I would gladly spec into any role that team would request.

    Gl and hf guys!

    hope to cya in game 😉



    Hey Terramancer, welcome to the website!

    Nice to see you joined us. We are trying out some various people, mainly just to play as a group and enjoy some games together. If you would like to join us then I will put up a list of players people can add on the website somewhere.

    Welcome! Also feel free to comment on the forum as much as you want.


    League Of Legends Name – couldnt dodge

    main champs – so many but i guess my best would be cait, ezreal, J4 and countless others there are few champs i cannot play a solid game with

    roles: i am good in every role except support (i sound like every league player alive) but when i paly support something always seems to end wrong i just cant find that balance in the support role. but my main role would have to be adc or jungle adc with preference

    about myself, i am 18 starting uni in Australia love to game and spent countless hours playing what i love sc2 league and wow really looking to break into pro scene if i can in either SC2 or League which ever comes first i guess.

    time zone

    Standard time zone:
    UTC/GMT +10 hours

    No daylight saving time in 2013

    Time zone abbreviation:
    EST – Eastern Standard Time

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