So big news regarding Elder Scrolls… it’s going to be online. Well that is not the only specific detail we have about the Elder Scrolls Online. Their is a video over on the official site along so be sure to check that out.
The majority of reports regarding the Elder Scrolls Online is that the game will mimic some of the tried and tested aspects of an MMO. Presumably because they did not want to take the risk of doing something new. There is a lot of fans for Elder Scrolls and plenty of them wanted to be able to play it online, the only problem is that they wanted to play the Elder Scrolls online not just an MMO online with the name Elder Scrolls.
Hopefully they will be able to keep the majority of the magic of Elder Scrolls, but naturally certain things will not be able to stay. Most likely the combat will be affected and potentially the dynamic eco system will get hit too. There is some heated debate at the moment regarding what would still make it feel like an Elder Scrolls game whilst being an MMO, to be honest, at the moment no one really knows what we are going to get.
We can only hope it is something cool and have a feel of Elder Scrolls.
Check out the video below for a glimpse at what we can expect.
I hope you enjoyed the video, as we get more information regarding Elder Scrolls online we will post it up and let you guys know.