S3 Starting Items

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    Hey all, just thought I’d ask, what are all your thoughts on crystalline flask top lane? I now always get that, and then either 5 pots and a ward, or rejuv beads and 2 pots. Boots seem pretty worthless now as I reckon MS quints probably add just as much speed if you really need it, and you can just constantly trade with them if they start anything else but cloth armour 5 pots.

    I’ve seen mid lane often starting with similar items , but then what about bot lane? Longsword 2 pots? Cloth armour 5 pots?

    We really need a tournament so I can just leech of pros rather than having to think for myself…


    Lol, leech.

    I agree boots are just no where near as viable now in my opinion, they give you a small amount of speed, which is needed eventually but to start? Not so sure.

    The flask seems really strong at the moment.

    I really like going Dorans for ad bot lane, it is so strong and if you stack flat ad reds and quints then your initial damage is nasty, can usually get first blood with a good support who has exhaust and you have ignite. Dumb enemies tend to wander into the bush :p


    I used to always go double Doran’s on my AD carries but since the S3 changes I’ve stopped and like to rush the lategame items asap hence I usually start with longsword and HP pots.


    I agree since the season 3 changes I have started using dorans less and less, I still like the dorans for aggressive lanes, especially if you can just overpower them with insane early damage. Wear through their pots and then your boots v dorans which is nice.

    I like to go Dorans > boots > bf sword. That feels pretty nice.


    I’m still a fan of a couple of Doran’s Rings if you’re mid, but not so keen on any of the other Doran items. Rushing Vamp Sceptre on an AD Carry seems really strong, and regardless of whether you started boots or a longsword, you can usually pick up both Vamp Sceptre and at least lvl 1 boots on your first back, giving you enough speed and sustain to remain in lane until you can afford either a full Bloodthirster, or get started on an Infinity edge 🙂


    If you can burst through them with an aggressive/sustain support like Nunu or Taric then a dorans is great for ad. You are effectively fighting them Dorans V Boots which is great.

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