Just now I was talking to a friend about supports. I main support now and when I play Soraka, I starcall a lot during teamfights. It puts out about 100 dmg every 4 seconds AND lowers their MR.
Sometimes I ks and most of the time I go ap soraka for stronger heals and to help carry my team because I don’t know my AD carry like that!
Anyways, when I go Sona, I build AD( typically phil stone, beserker greaves, manamune, triforce, aegis, wards) I still heal and support my team, and even get kills.
The one thing I notice is when I go ap Soraka, and actually earn a kill(or not) I get slammed for ksing, where as when I go support Sona, people are like, Nah it’s okay.
Do summoners discriminate, or is it a coincidence?