SimCity Finally Returns!

TeamOverpowered 2012-03-11

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Everyone who has played any of the Sim games will know of SimCity, it is a classic PC game which many people enjoyed. It is finally returning to our PCs thanks to EA.

We can expect the usual fundamental aspects of SimCity to remain, building a city as effectively as you can to expand and turn from being a small town into a large metropolis.

SimCity will also include missions which you can complete to gain access to better buildings to create an awesome city. The buildings will affect your city in different ways depending on where they are placed, which is great for the SimCity lovers out there. We can tweak our towns to get the most out of them.

The biggest update to the new SimCity is going to be multiplayer, this is where I personally get excited. The thought of being able to grow your city, show it off to your friends and then actually have it benefit your friends is awesome.

On the website it says “Work together with friends to build a region for the first time! The cities in your friends’ region will directly interact with each other”. This is great we can finally interact with other cities, creating a huge online world where you manage part of it completely on your own. No word yet if regions will affect other regions, but my guess is there will be some interaction, how much we will have to wait and see. There is this bit of text on the site though: “Every decision in your city and those in your friends’ cities will impact the greater SimCity world.” so hopefully we will see atleast some interaction between regions.

There is the talk of a “GlassBox Engine”, it sounds like you will be able to directly interact with an individual Sim, if this combines The Sims with SimCity then this game would be huge and most likely unwieldy for the developers, we will have to wait and see the details on the GlassBox engine.

Leave your comments below on the new SimCity, if you want to check out the details yourself then head on over to:

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About Lynqoid
Lynq is passionate about gaming and eSports. He currently plays various games including World of Warcraft, League of Legends, Starcraft 2, Call of Duty and more.