Blizzard Entertainment Laying Off 600 Staff

TeamOverpowered 2012-03-02

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It is a little disconcerting when one of the most popular, if not the most popular gaming companies starts laying off staff. In conjunction with cancelling a Blizzard Convention know as BlizzCon it does make you a little uneasy.

We announced today that we’re in the process of cutting a number of active positions, mostly non-development, throughout the company.

At the end of it all, no one really knows except the people inside Blizzard.

As with every company though changes need to be made, but it just makes you think, if there is a fourth franchise coming on board in the shape of Project Titan, why would you need to be reducing numbers? Surely you would need to be increasing numbers?

In order to keep making epic game content while serving players effectively, we have to be smart about how we manage our resources. This means we sometimes have to make difficult decisions about how to best maintain the health of the company. We’re in the process of making some of those hard decisions now.

Of course everyone would like Blizz to keep making epic games, that is a given as we wouldn’t be playing them in the first place. Hopefully this is all just a case of subscriber numbers slightly falling on world of warcraft. It could also be that staff were employed for future growth on their games, which did not happen as it peaked out at a certain level.

Who really knows, I just thought I would share this info with you guys. Leave your comments below and let us know what you think is going on at Blizz!

For the full message checkout the post over on the Diablo III Forums:

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About Lynqoid
Lynq is passionate about gaming and eSports. He currently plays various games including World of Warcraft, League of Legends, Starcraft 2, Call of Duty and more.