Blizzcon 2011 Is Upon Us

TeamOverpowered 2011-10-19

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It’s that time again, Blizzcon is upon us, thousands upon thousands of people will be watching either in person or via the live stream. The hype around Blizzcon is immense and for good measure, in the opening ceremony there is usually a huge announcement of something new.

Will we be disappointed with the announcements?

It has already been stated that Blizzard will not be releasing any large announcement of project titan, but we should definitely keep a close ear to what is said during the interviews and especially the Q&A’s.

So knowing that there will not be a huge announcement of project titan can only mean that there could be a new expansion for World of Warcraft which would probably be the most exciting announcement. There could also be a release date for Diablo 3 or Starcraft 2 Heart of Swarm, but no news as of yet, we will have to wait and see what happens during Blizzcon 2011.

What cool news do we know of Blizzcon 2011?

All we know about Blizzcon at this stage is the line up of events, there is one interesting part which refers to “World of Warcraft Preview” well we already know that WoW exists, so what exactly are we seeing a preview of? This is purely hype but it is extremely intriguing.

There was the rumor about Mists Of Pandaria floating around, but that has been around for a long time, although there was an interview which did seem to suggest that it will be talked about during Blizzcon, could this be the “World of Warcraft Preview” listed in the line up of events? We will have to wait and see if the interview was a fake just posted too soon and taken down!

What do we really want to see at Blizzcon 2011?

No one really knows, this is the problem, if we get a new game, people will soon be disappointed at the non existent release date, if we get an expansion people will be angry that it wasn’t some other lore. Knowing this we will have to just enjoy Blizzcon 2011 and get ourselves hyped up for some awesome live competitions, raids and Starcraft action!

Those lucky enough to get a ticket or purchase a live stream will receive the extremely cool looking pet above! I love the look of it but as always people might look and think, what does it mean? Nothing its just a pet.

Good luck to all the competitors in the Starcraft 2 and WoW Arena competitions, it always proves to be one of the most exciting parts of Blizzcon after the announcements have been made.

One other thing we know for certain is that Blizzcon 2011 will see the foo fighters playing, it seems like it will be getting tougher and tougher to beat each of the acts year upon year, but they do seem to be having a good go at it!

– Lynq (Team Overpowered)

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About Lynqoid
Lynq is passionate about gaming and eSports. He currently plays various games including World of Warcraft, League of Legends, Starcraft 2, Call of Duty and more.